Professional Exploit Development Training

It was one of the best technical trainings I was ever able to attend


Just got back from the training and still trying to process everything. I will be busy for months working through what Peter has provided us with.

If you are thinking about attending the training, but you are unsure because it “only” deals with Win32, IE on Win7, let me tell you one thing: It doesn’t matter. This has nothing to do with “before you run, you have to learn how to walk”.

In this training, Peter explains the process of developing exploits on modern systems.

The course aims to teach you how to think and how the heap works. It does not matter if you don’t write exploits for Edge on x64, trust me. In order to do that, you have to put in the work first and understand how the low level mechanisms and data structures work and at the end of the day, most of the content you learn will (with modifications) also apply to Win10.

It was one of the best technical trainings I was ever able to attend. Thanks Peter!

Corelan Heap Masterclass
BruCON Gent
Oct 2018